To solve the problem of water mist and dirt on the protective lenses during laser cutting, please follow the following steps:

  1. Cleaning lenses
    Regular cleaning: Establish a procedure for cleaning contact lenses. Use a mild lens cleaning solution and lint-free wipes.
    Avoid contamination: Please clean in a dust-free environment to prevent dirt from settling on the lenses.
  2. Preventive measures
    Seal: Make sure the laser cutting machine is well sealed to prevent moisture and dust from entering.
    Air filtration: Use an air filtration system to keep the working environment clean.
    Air assist: Implement an air assist system to blow away debris and prevent it from settling on the lens.
  3. Environmental control
    Humidity control: Maintain an optimal humidity level in the work area. High humidity can cause water mist to form.
    Clean room: If feasible, establish a clean room environment for laser cutting operations to minimize dust and moisture.
  4. Lens coating
    Anti-fog coating: Apply anti-fog coating to the lens to reduce the formation of water mist.
    Anti-dust coating: Use anti-dust coating to minimize the accumulation of dust on the lens.
  5. Regular Maintenance
    Regular Inspection: Check the lenses regularly for signs of contamination or damage.
    Replace When Needed: Replace lenses that are scratched or cannot be cleaned effectively.
  6. Proper Storage
    Proper Storage: When not in use, store the lenses in a clean, dry, dust-free environment.
    By implementing these steps, you can significantly reduce the presence of water mist and dirt on the protective lenses during laser cutting operations.